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What is the PRIMERS project?

(Promoting Research-based Instructional Methods for Enhancing and Reforming STEM Education)

National Science Foundation Logo

PRIMERS is a five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) funded grant. The primary goal of the project is to help undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instructors move towards more learner-centered instruction that fosters active learning by leveraging an existing evidence-based professional development (PD) program.

Recognizing that there is no single “one size fits all” PD program, the secondary goal of the PRIMERS project is to create, test, and implement different versions of the existing PD program that are sensitive to differences between institutions of higher education and their varied institutional contexts and to develop models for sustainability that will permit these versions of the program to persist and their institutions beyond the life of the PRIMERS project.

Participating Institutions

CU Boulder logo FRCC logo University of Texas Rio Grande Valley logo





Institutional Characteristics

Characteristic CUB FRCC UTRGV
Public institution X X X
Two-year institution    
Four-year institution   X    X
Premier research institution  X    
Major-Hispanic serving institution - transitioning from teaching to research focus       X
Has a physical center for teaching & learning PD     
Has instructional coaches that work one-on-one with instructors     
Has distributed programming for teaching & learning PD