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Need to get in touch?
Browse department contacts below, or:
Boulder County Campus
2190 Miller Drive
Longmont, CO 80501
Map & directions
Hours of Operation
Our typical hours of operation are listed below. Please note that depending on the department, hours Contact individual departments for their specific hours of operation.
Monday | 8:30 am - 6 pm |
Tuesday | 8:30 am - 5 pm |
Wednesday | 8:30 am - 5 pm |
Thursday | 8:30 am - 6 pm |
Friday | 8:30 am - 4 pm |
Department Contact Info
Departments | Phone and Email |
303-678-3722 |
303-678-3722 |
303-678-3647 |
303-678-3911 |
303-678-3641 |
Cashier |
303-404-5487 |
303-404-5343 |
303-404-5486 |
303-678-3610 |
Deans of Academic Affairs |
303-678-3818 |
Dean of Student Affairs |
303-678-3621 |
303-404-5533 |
Faculty Support Center |
303-678-3696 |
303-678-3647 |
Human Resources |
303-678-3708 |
303-678-3720 |
303-404-5513 |
Registrar |
303-678-3635 |
303-678-3742 |
303-678-3900 |
303-678-3647 |
303-678-3781 |
303-678-3654 |
Larimer Campus
4616 S. Shields Street
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Map & directions
Hours of Operation
Our typical hours of operation are listed below. Please note that depending on the department, hours Contact individual departments for their specific hours of operation.
Monday | 8:30 am - 6 pm |
Tuesday | 8:30 am - 5 pm |
Wednesday | 8:30 am - 5 pm |
Thursday | 8:30 am - 6 pm |
Friday | 8:30 am - 4 pm |
Department Contact Info
Departments |
Phone & Email |
970-204-8332 |
970-204-8112 |
970-226-2500 |
970-226-2500 |
970-204-8144 |
970-204-8124 |
970-204-8332 |
Cashier |
970-204-8149 |
Concurrent Enrollment | 970-204-8370 Email Us |
303-404-5343 |
Counseling |
970-204-8210 |
303-404-5486 |
Deans of Academic Affairs |
970-204-8241 |
Dean of Student Affairs |
970-204-8379 |
970-204-8112 |
970-204-8376 |
970-204-8181 |
Human Resources |
970-204-8111 |
970-221-6740 |
970-204-8250 |
Registrar |
970-204-8107 |
970-498-9295 |
970-204-8350 |
970-204-8188 |
970-204-8112 |
970-204-8637 |
Westminster Campus
3645 West 112th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80031
Map & directions
Hours of Operation
Our typical hours of operation are listed below. Please note that depending on the department, hours Contact individual departments for their specific hours of operation.
Monday | 8:30 am - 6 pm |
Tuesday | 8:30 am - 5 pm |
Wednesday | 8:30 am - 5 pm |
Thursday | 8:30 am - 6 pm |
Friday | 8:30 am - 4 pm |
Department Contact Info
Departments | Phone & Email |
303-404-5000 |
303-404-5372 |
303-404-5000 |
303-404-5301 |
303-404-5410 |
303-404-5411 |
303-404-5000 |
Cashier |
303-404-5487 |
303-404-5343 |
303-404-5163 |
303-404-5486 |
Deans of Academic Affairs |
Dean of Student Affairs |
303-404-5602 |
303-404-5676 |
Faculty Support Center |
303-404-5250 |
303-404-5696 |
303-404-5463 |
303-404-5301 |
Human Resources |
303-404-5522 |
303-404-5504 |
303-404-5513 |
Registrar |
303-404-5414 |
303-460-1032 |
303-404-5314 |
303-404-5301 |
303-404-5129 |
303-404-5073 |